Devlog 9 – Networking Nonsense [0] (NetworkManager)

Its time to do something I’ve been dreading for a while. Of course we want the game to multiplayer, and that means that I have to learn and implement networking. I’ve accomplished quite a bit in the past few days, so I’ll start these devlogs with smaller but more in-depth segments. Today’s is on theContinue reading “Devlog 9 – Networking Nonsense [0] (NetworkManager)”

Devlog 8 – Lava Shader and The Calm Before The Storm

Lets talk more shaders! The next set of updates are gonna be RIGHT MASSIVE, so I’ll make smaller updates while I’m working on the new content. I’m not particularly happy with the way the magma looks, so I’m going to create a new shader and particle effects to really make it look like lava. OfContinue reading “Devlog 8 – Lava Shader and The Calm Before The Storm”

Devlog 7 – PC Player Health

Today I worked on implementing the UI and damaging ability for the PC players. Health is actually very simple, its just a number that represents how much life the player has left. In this case, I’ve set the players maximum health to 100, this is how much they start with. Then, when the player isContinue reading “Devlog 7 – PC Player Health”

Devlog 6 – Speedy Lines

This ones pretty short because most of my time was spent on making it look right, but here are cartoon speed lines: The gist of how it works is this: The speedlines particle system (i.e. What spawns the particles) rotates towards whatever velocity the player has. That way the particles always move in the oppositeContinue reading “Devlog 6 – Speedy Lines”

Devlog 5 – PC Player Improvements

While my codeveloper made the basis for the PC player controller, I want to make some changes so that we can better make use of physics. As you may see from this video demo with moving parts, the player controller doesn’t work like it should. We spent a long time fine-tuning it to feel greatContinue reading “Devlog 5 – PC Player Improvements”

Devlog 4 – The Comic Shader [1]

Continuing from my last post, I’m continuing to work on the comic shader. Today I’ll walk through my implementation of chromatic aberration and triplanar UV generation. Chromatic Aberration Chromatic aberration is an artifact of some digital mediums (or more recently, an intentional effect) where the red, green, and blue color channels have their positions offsetContinue reading “Devlog 4 – The Comic Shader [1]”

Devlog 3 – The Comic Shader [0]

While my co-developer was busy programming the PC players movement and abilities, I got to work on researching shaders, with the intent of creating or modifying one to create a stylized look for the game. The art style were headed towards right now is that of old comic books. This is a style we haven’tContinue reading “Devlog 3 – The Comic Shader [0]”

Devlog 2 – The VR Player [2]

In this Devlog, I’ll be discussing the VR players abilities, and their implementation. The VR player will have a myriad of abilities to select from for causing mayhem in the scene. Ideally I would like over a hundred abilities, so the code I write now should be robust enough to allow for quick implementations ofContinue reading “Devlog 2 – The VR Player [2]”