Phong Shaded Orbs

There is a method of lighting a scene that takes into account the diffuse properties of the surface, as well as the ability for specular highlights to appear. The method I’m speaking of is Phong Shading, invented by Bui Tuong Phong. Phong shading works by essentially layering different optical phenomena on top of each other.Continue reading “Phong Shaded Orbs”

Part 4 – Do you Z the point?

Remember this problem? This is called Z-Layering, and right now the program produces results like above. The reason that further objects can appear on top of closer objects is because of the order of the objects. What’s happening is the intersection data is being overwritten by other intersections in the loop, even if they areContinue reading “Part 4 – Do you Z the point?”

Part 3 – The Monster Math

Vectors are… Hard to explain. At least they are for me. I’ll provide some diagrams to hopefully try and explain what vector math looks like, but I will also include some further reading if you want to know more. Math Insight – Vectors Explained Basically, vectors are arrows that represent points in 3D (or inContinue reading “Part 3 – The Monster Math”